ISO software quality evaluation standard functionality, reliability, etc. after verification
Korea’s first SBOM standard format-enabled solution (supporting SPDX and CycloneDX)
[From Boan News – By YeongMyeong KIM] IOTCUBE (Co-CEO Kim Jin-Seok, Lee Hee-Jo) announced on August 17th, 2022 that Labrador OSS v2.0, an SBOM (Software Bill of Materials) and Open Source software vulnerability analysis solution, was awarded the highest grade (1st grade) for the GS (Good Software) certification from the Korea Information and Communication Technology Association (TTA).

The GS certification system is a system that thoroughly certifies product quality by creating a test bed of the actual operating environment that Korean customers will experience on the platform. Based on the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)’s software quality evaluation criteria: functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency, maintenance, transplantation, etc., the certification was awarded.
3-Layer Technology Analysis Vulnerability Detection
IOTCUBE Labrador OSS v2.0 analyzes software developed by users and provides an SBOM with open source software configuration information/accurate open source vulnerability and licensing issue detection/convenient vulnerability patch methods. Customers can use their SBOM, similar to a ingredients list, to accurately identify the components of their analyzed software and check for security vulnerabilities and licensing issues within the software components.
Labrador OSS v2.0 possesses accurate open source components and vulnerability detection capabilities based on its 3-Layer analysis technology that analyzes components, files, and even function elements. In particular, it was the first GS certification grade in Korea as a solution that can support both international SBOM standard formats: SPDX and CycloneDX.
Jinseok Kim, IOTCUBE CEO, said, “Through this certification, we will boost customers’ confidence in ‘Labrador OSS v2.0’, by providing accurate detection of open source components and vulnerabilities, as well as easy patch methods.”
Meanwhile, IoT Cube is expanding its reach into international markets such as China and Europe through its partnership with Autocrypt, a Korean autonomous driving security company.
Translation from original article (Korean) :