IOTCUBE (Co-CEOs: Jinseok Kim & Heejo Lee) has launched “Labrador OSS 2.0”, a K-opensource software analysis solution.

Labardor v2.0 analyzes SW developed by users and provides a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) which contains SW configuration information such as open-source software and library, ensuring highly accurate detection and convenient patching methods. Customers can accurately identify the SW components they analyzed with SBOM, similar to a list of ingredients, and check security vulnerabilities & license issues accordingly.
Labrador OSS v2.0 has an excellent detection technology “VUDDY”, a Korean and US patented algorithm, is a function-level analysis technology that lowers the errors down to “0”. It analyzes all components vulnerabilities in the SW source code. During the ‘IEEE S&P’, it shows a preprocessing performance twice as fast and a detection performance over 1,000 times faster than other laboratory technologies.
Labrador OSS v2.0 has been developed to be easily used by normal SW managers, auditors as well as developers and security experts. Labrador OSS analysis tool takes a few clicks from detection to remediation to check organizations’ software, reducing software management costs and time.
It can be used in including public sector, manufacturing, telecommunications, and finance, in Korea and overseas. As the importance of SW supply chain management has significantly increased, due to the increase of SW external modules use, it becomes difficult to find the hidden risks. Labrador OSS effectively manages license issue and vulnerabilities risks by displaying the users’ SW components with SBOM with ease.
IOTCUBE, to penetrate the global market, has partnered with a German expert partner and channel partners to secure customers references in the European market. It is planning to get additional references through US manufacturers, telecommunications companies, and the financial sector the same way.
Heejo Lee, Co-CEO of IOTCUBE said, “in addition to the currently developed Labrador OSS, we are planning to launch next year Labrador Fuzzer, a wireless communication protocol vulnerability analysis solution, aiming to establish an Integrated Vulnerability Analysis System”.
Translation from original article (Korean) :